Adobe Illustrator Tutorial Review

    First, I liked how the video mentions all of the different commands you can perform just with your keyboard. I think that the circle selection tool is very cool to be able to move multiple points and their direction and angles at once. Creating custom shapes and having them appear as desired is a concern I have but should be easy to alter by stretching the shape and moving points or sides of it. I think the shape builder tool will be helpful when making designs or shapes. I think that the pen tool will be extremely useful either making rounded or sharp shapes and using direct selection to manipulate the shape to the desired appearance.

    After watching a second tutorial, I realized how the pen tool is going to be incredibly useful in the class, but seems very touchy and difficult to get used to. I think that with a lot of practice and manipulating with the different selection tool. I like the idea of zooming in to more closely focus on different parts of the screen without having to work smaller but could always create a large shape and shrink it to the desired size without zooming in to see the big picture. Knowing where all the different features are located and which exist is a slight concern because there are so many features and so many tabs, but eventually through practice it’ll be much easier to find and know which to use.


    Creating realistic logos, icons, and designs seems very difficult to do on the computer. Drawing the image and then using it as a template on the computer program is a really good idea both for practice and after to have a better idea of what you’re creating. This tutorial was helpful being able to see the application being used to create something new and detailed. This is going to be a very useful tutorial when we begin creating more detailed items in and outside of class. the tutorial simplifies the process in a great way. By tracing over the drawing and using the pen tool, selecting new points and changing small, detailed features the tutorial exhibited a lot of different features in a simple and easy way to follow and understand. I understand the creator has a significant amount of practice but simplified the process beautifully.



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