History of Internet, World Wide Web, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth

    The Internet is the worldwide system of networks that can interact from all sorts of devices and platforms across cyberspace. The Internet was created by multiple individuals but Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf are credited for setting the protocols of how data moves through a network and being the first to use the word “Internet”. The Internet was created in the 1950s. The early stages of the Internet were created at the request of President Eisenhower to help American Military stay ahead of enemies with technology. Today the Internet is used for almost anything, education, communication, shopping, and more.

    The World Wide Web is a way of accessing information through the medium of the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee proposed the idea of a web of information in 1989 and worked from there to create the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was intended for communication and the sharing of information. Today the World Wide Web is used to access a variety of information across multiple platforms. 

    The Internet and World Wide Web are different work together. The World Wide Web is an application of the Internet. The Internet is the backbone of the Web and the reason the Web is possible. The connection of the Internet network and the communication are the support system and platform in which the World Wide Web exists.

    The first website was info.cern.ch. The website was created by Tim Berners-Lee. The creation of this website was dedicated to the World Wide Web project. The website was launched August 6,1991. 

    Hedy Lamarr is considered “the mother of Wi-Fi” after being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for the development of her frequency hopping technology. Lamarr was not the inventor of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but her work with frequency hopping technology and spread spectrum technology were helpful in the future creation of both technologies. 

    Bluetooth technologies were invented by Jaap Haartsen in 1994. The invention of Bluetooth was to enable a wide variety of devices to work together. Bluetooth was named by Sven Mattison and Jim Kardach, after the king of Denmark, Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson. The symbol for Bluetooth is a combination of the Nordic runes for the letters H and B.

    Wi-Fi was invented by Dr. John O’Sullivan. The team of Dr.O’Sullivan worked to develop Wi-Fi, originally known as WLAN. The wireless networking technology was originally named WLAN which was an abbreviation of wireless local area network. 












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