Animation seems to be an incredibly daunting task. At the beginning of the semester learning I would have to complete an animation project made me want to immediately give up. Throughout the semester I continued to feel afraid of the assignment and eventually when beginning the project learned that it would be more tedious than scary.
When thinking of a scene to create I chose my cat, who has also been the inspiration of other artistic creations this semester. He was recently diagnosed with an illness he couldn't recover from and the day after I began the project he passed away. The animation assignment was really important to me because it depicts my sweet little angel in his natural habitat.
After drawing several different cats, the dinosaur, masking several layers of different features in the animation I was finally able to assemble them all. The way I created was that I grouped each layer in order of movement for the frames and individually selected them and the movements for each frame. Once all of the layers and orders were created the only part left was to apply everything to the correct frame at the right time in order to get an accurate length and the image from my head to play on the screen.
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